Wealthy Mindset Series #10
It’s Okay to Talk About Money
As you know, one of the most important keys to creating wealth is the right attitude, and in this series today we will cover how the wealthy are open about money conversations. They do not feel it is rude to talk about money.
The wealthy will talk about money: How much they pay staff; how much they paid for the country club membership; what investments they have made; what the rate of return is on various investments; and the deal they got on the car they purchased or the jet they leased.
Sure, some of it might be bragging, but the point is they do not see it as rude. It might look like this: “You might want to consider buying into XYZ Corporation because at the rate they are growing they could have a stock split in the next 12 months. I just purchased 1000 shares.”
Another example is when I am talking with other apartment building owners. I might ask what they get for a 1 bedroom apartment in the city and they might say, “$1695 per month.” My reply might be, “That’s $100 more per month than I am getting. I should look at that.”
Now if you are a tenant, and asked that question, you would not get an answer. But from one apartment building owner to another, we will talk about money. We will talk about how much we pay our plumber, our roofer, our handyman, our utilities, and more.
Again, wealthy people do not find it rude to talk about money. We are exchanging information to help each other.
In the next article of the series we will talk about the importance of treating yourself like you matter and paying yourself first.
To your prosperity,
It’s Okay to Talk About Money
As you are know, one of the most important keys to creating wealth is the right attitude, and in this series today we will cover how the wealthy are open about money conversations. They do not feel it is rude to talk about money.
The wealthy will talk about money: How much they pay staff; how much they paid for the country club membership; what investments they have made; what the rate of return is on various investments; and the deal they got on the car they purchased or the jet they leased.
Sure, some of it might be bragging, but the point is they do not see it as rude. It might look like this: “You might want to consider buying into XYZ Corporation because at the rate they are growing they could have a stock split in the next 12 months. I just purchased 1000 shares.”
Another example is when I am talking with other apartment building owners. I might ask what they get for a 1 bedroom apartment in the city and they might say, “$1695 per month.” My reply might be, “That’s $100 more per month than I am getting. I should look at that.”
Now if you are a tenant, and asked that question, you would not get an answer. But from one apartment building owner to another, we will talk about money. We will talk about how much we pay our plumber, our roofer, our handyman, our utilities, and more.
Again, wealthy people do not find it rude to talk about money. We are exchanging information to help each other.
In the next article of the series we will talk about the importance of treating yourself like you matter and paying yourself first.
To your prosperity,
Never rude at all. Better be straight up & honest than to lie to ourselves and deny the whole subject of money. We live in an unprecedented level of superficiality and to keep denying or hiding the truth about money will hurt us more in the long run.