Wealthy Mindset Series #16
The Importance of Language
As you know, one of the most important keys to creating wealth is the right attitude. In Series #15 we spoke about how the wealthy understand the difference between investable assets and personal use assets. Personal use assets depreciate in value and suck up money. Investable assets generate income and create your financial freedom.
In this series today we will talk about how the wealthy understand the importance of language; when speaking to others as well as in self-talk.
When my daughter was very young, like 9 or 10 years old, we were skiing at Mammoth Mountain in California. It was about a five hour drive from our home in Los Angeles. We approached one of the downhill runs that was for experienced skiers. My daughter said, “I can’t go down this.”
I turned to her and said, “I will lead the way and you follow me.” After we got down near the bottom of the hill I asked her to turn around and see where we came from. She exclaimed, “Wow, I guess I can do this.” My next comment apparently stuck with her ever since; “I do not ever want to hear you say there is something you can’t do.”
She is now a fortyish mother of two fine young boys. She put herself through law school. And while raising her first son, studied for and passed the bar exam for Massachusetts and became an attorney.
My wealthy mindset said, my daughter can accomplish whatever she wants. Her self-talk says whatever she puts her mind to, she can accomplish.
When I talk to my tenants, I let them know, I want them to be happy and I will serve them. The actions I take mirror the statements I make. They in turn pay their rent on time and help me maintain quality places to live.
My self-talk says I lead a blessed life; I have prosperity, health, and wonderful relationships. I am grateful for what I have been blessed with. If the tapes that play in your head say things like, “You don’t deserve.” Or “You will never succeed.” Then change the tapes. If you cannot do it by yourself, enlist the help of someone else.
Pay attention to your self-talk and align it with the wealthy mindset you want to create.
In the next article of the series we will talk about how the wealthy avoid either/or thinking.
To your prosperity,