Myth #11 – I Need to Earn More Money: As I mentioned in earlier myths, I was broke at age 50, and had to start over from scratch. Today the combined net worth of my wife and I puts us in the top 1% of Americans and this wealth was not achieved by getting a […]
Continue readingMyth #10 – Thoughts Are Powerful: Let me explain what I mean when I say it is a myth that thoughts are powerful. In one respect they are powerful; if they lead to an action. Unfortunately, most of the time a good thought is cancelled out by feelings that might be uncomfortable, or feelings come […]
Continue readingMyth #9 – Do It Yourself: One of the biggest lessons I learned in becoming wealthy was that it was a team effort, not a solo effort. Too many people think they can become successful and wealthy by themselves. This lesson hit me hard when I was the angel investor in a start-up when I did […]
Continue readingMyth #8 – Details: You may think the details of an investment are the most important. Yes, the details are important, but they are NOT the most important. The most important aspect of an investment is how it fits into the big picture of your life. If you want nothing to do with tenants, trash, or toilets, […]
Continue readingMyth #7 – I Know This Already: Like many teenagers, I thought I knew it all. As the famous UCLA basketball coach John Wooden used to say, “It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts.” Somewhere in my forties I learned that the wealthy ask questions when they hear familiar information instead of making statements. An example […]
Continue readingMyth #6 – I Don’t Need to Know Money Terms: Many years ago, when I was first learning the terms as a part of becoming a Certified Financial Planner®, I heard someone ask the instructor, “How important is it whether or not I learn all these definitions?” He was referring to the terms we were […]
Continue readingMyth #5 – It’s Rude to Talk About Money: You may think, and your parents may have said to you, “It’s rude to talk about money.” If that is the case, it is likely, your parents were not wealthy. Or even if they had wealth, they lacked a wealthy mindset. People with a wealthy mindset do not feel it […]
Continue readingMyth #4 – Your Friends (Who You Hang Around With) Don’t Matter: You may have some friends from when you were very young, or from high school, or from college, and you really enjoy hanging with them. Once per month I actually have lunch with 8 – 18 friends with whom I went to elementary […]
Continue readingMyth #3 – You have plenty of time: When I was young I thought I had plenty of time to plan for retirement. The myth that you have plenty of time to plan is deceptive. And the word retire was the word that was used to talk about a time when someone could choose not to […]
Continue readingMyth #2 – Self-made Millionaires: “Wealth is a Team Sport, not a Solo Sport.” – Rennie GabrielYou have probably heard the expression about a wealthy person that they are a self-made millionaire. Maybe the person who said it, was wealthy. DO NOT BELIEVE IT! If you look at the wealthiest people in this country, whether past […]
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