Author Archives: Rennie Gabriel
Author Archives: Rennie Gabriel
These attitudes are the difference between you leading a life of poverty, struggle or mediocrity versus leading a life of financial and emotional prosperity and your ability to donate to charity in significant ways.
Continue readingRalf sold his manufacturing business to a large national company in exchange for $1 million in stock, and the company later went bankrupt and his stock was worthless. Ralf went through another marriage and divorced after about ten years. At age 65 his net worth was a negative $250,000.
Continue readingWhat I will tell you here is NOT to impress you, but to impress upon you how YOUR life can change. Many years ago I had to collect soda bottles and cans to get the refund money to buy food for my family. In 2018, my wife and I were able to donate over $100,000 to charity. That is more money than I used to earn
Continue readingRecently I had the pleasure to tour the southern part of the United States with my wife. While in Nashville, TN, we met with my wife’s nephew, Jeremy, and his wife, Melissa. Both of them are doctors, but they came from far different backgrounds. This email is about a decision that Melissa made when she was a teenager.
Continue readingYou might be able to learn how to use Infusionsoft or 1ShoppingCart, or Lead Pages, or any one of the myriad of programs that can support an online business. You could learn graphic design for Power Point, or typeset a book. But where is your highest and most profitable use of your time?
Continue readingLiving in Los Angeles I could see we had a growing rental market. Regardless of the regulations or obstacles to starting a business here, people want to live here. Yes, it is tough if you are poor. Yes, there can be overwhelming regulations to operate multi-unit rental housing, but the benefits and opportunities outweigh the obstacles.
Continue readingOne of my favorite investors is Warren Buffet, and he commented that it was odd how the guy who drives up in a Rolls Royce hands his investment money to a stock broker who had to take the subway to work.
Continue readingYou have probably heard of the Pareto Principal, more commonly known as the 80/20 rule. This is where you can see that 20% of your efforts or customers can produce 80% of your results.
Continue readingWhen I was in my 30’s I had to work for money, and it did not seem like there was enough to set aside and save or invest after making a house payment, paying bills and raising a family.
Continue readingMany people have jobs that pay them on an hourly basis. Regardless of the amount of work they complete they will receive an income based on their input of time, not value. They might have expended a lot of effort during that time and produced great results, but that will not change their hourly pay.
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